Related Tool


By tre2ta, you can translate a timed regular expression to a timed automaton. You can visualize the generated timed regular expression by visualize-monaa-dot for example.

Installation by Homebrew (for macOS)

  1. Set up homebrew (See the official web page)
  2. Install tre2ta (and also monaa) by brew install maswag/scientific/monaa


  1. Install docker
  2. pull the docker image by docker pull maswag/tre2ta.
  3. Use the container e.g., docker run -i maswag/tre2ta -e '(AB)$'.

Docker Hub page

Installation from source

1. Build tre2ta

cd /path/to/monaa
mkdir -p build
cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && make tre2ta

2. (Optional) Install the executable and the manual

sudo install -m755 tre2ta /usr/local/bin
sudo install -m644 ../doc/tre2ta.1 /usr/local/share/man/man1/


Visualize-monaa-dot is a tool to translate a DOT file for MONAA to the DOT file suitable for visualization by Graphviz. For example, the following DOT language is visualized as the following graph through Graphviz.

digraph G {
        1 [init=1,match=0];
        2 [init=0,match=0];
        3 [init=0,match=1];
        1->2 [label=A,reset="{0}",guard="{x0 < 1}"];
        2->1 [label=B,reset="{0}",guard="{x0 < 1}"];
        2->1 [label=C,reset="{0}",guard="{x0 < 1}"];
        2->3 [label="$",guard="{x0 > 1}"];

visualized timed automaton by Graphviz

Visualize-monaa-dot reads DOT for MONAA from the standard input and it outputs DOT for Graphviz to the standard output. Therefore, for example, the whole process to create an svg file (example.svg) from a DOT file ( is as follows.

visualize-monaa-dot-exe < | dot -T svg -o example.svg

Since visualize-monaa-dot uses the graphviz package of Haskell for DOT language parsing, while MONAA uses the Boost Graph Library, their supported DOT languages have slight difference.


monaa2imitator is a tool to translate a DOT file for MONAA to the modeling language of IMITATOR. For example, the following timed automaton in DOT is translated to the following.

digraph G {
        loc1 [init=1,match=0];
        loc2 [init=0,match=0];
        loc3 [init=0,match=1];
        loc1->loc2 [label=A,reset="{0}",guard="{x0 < 1}"];
        loc2->loc1 [label=B,reset="{0}",guard="{x0 < 1}"];
        loc2->loc1 [label=C,reset="{0}",guard="{x0 < 1}"];
        loc2->loc3 [label=D,guard="{x0 > 1}"];


        : clock;

  automaton G
synclabs: A, B, C, D;

loc dummyInitLoc: invariant True
    when True do {x0 := 0} goto loc1;

loc loc1: invariant True
    when x0 < 1 sync A do {x0 := 0} goto loc2;

loc loc2: invariant True
    when x0 < 1 sync B do {x0 := 0} goto loc1;
    when x0 < 1 sync C do {x0 := 0} goto loc1;
    when x0 > 1 sync D goto loc3;

loc loc3: invariant True
end (* G *)

(* Initial state *)

init :=
    (* Initial location *)
    & loc[G] = dummyInitLoc

    (* Initial clock constraints *)
    & x0 = 0

    (* Parameter constraints *)

(* The end *)

The usage of monaa2imitator is as follows.

# Via docker
docker run -i maswag/monaa2imitator < > example.imi
# Naitive build with stack
stack run < ./ > example.imi